
High-pitched, short Vocalizations often made by smaller Animals like mice or bats. Squeaking is commonly heard during the night when these Animals are most Active. It is usually a sign that a small Nuisance animal is present.

squirrel in the attic

A common Attic intruder, squirrels can Chew through wiring and make nests out of insulation.


A heavy, dull sound often produced by larger Animals moving around. Thumping can be disconcerting for homeowners and is usually a sign of a more significant animal issue. It often necessitates an inspection to determine the source.

thumping noises

Loud, heavy sounds often heard in Attics, usually caused by larger Animals like raccoons.


The various sounds made by Animals, including cries, Snarls, chirps, and more. Vocalizations can provide valuable clues about the type and number of Animals present. They are often a primary reason homeowners become aware of an animal issue.


A vertical brick or wooden structure that encloses a space. Walls are often where sounds of animal activity are first noticed. Animals may also build nests or dens within Wall cavities.


Fauna that naturally inhabit outdoor environments but may enter human spaces. This category includes, but is not limited to, raccoons, squirrels, and bats. When they become a Problem in human dwellings, they are often referred to as nuisance wildlife.


The coldest season of the year, often resulting in some Animals seeking warmth in human dwellings. rodents, in particular, may enter homes during this time. Winter conditions may also make some Wildlife Control methods less effective.


Refers to Animals that are not fully grown and still in the early stages of life. Young Animals often need special handling during removal Activities. Their presence often complicates Wildlife Control efforts.